Beach Time

All the sweets and the junk and the carbs and the indulgences have finally taken its toll. I gained five pounds in two weeks. Eeeccckkk!!!

After much deliberation and computation, I’ve resolved to go on a strict diet for the remaining days of September. The goal is to lose the five, plus more. Eight would be okay. Ten would be most ideal so I can have some buffer for the imminent holiday feasting.

South Beach is my diet of choice. It strictly prohibits sugar and carbs for fourteen days and gradually integrates them back into one’s diet.
I am not a heavy carb-eater. I can live without rice but to deprive me of chocolates is to deprive me of air.

Exag, I know. So shoot me 🙂

I first tried SBD in March. I ballooned to an unbelievable weight following my failed pregnancy. I was at my heaviest, literally and figuratively. Despite religious supervised work out, the pounds stuck. I had more bulges than usual and they just won’t budge.

It’s all that sugar, my doctor said, after I confessed that I coped with our loss with copious amounts of chocolates. She suggested SBD saying controlling my sugar intake would be best for me and my future baby.

I looked up SBD delivery online and figured it would actually be more practical ordering it than attempting to make the meals myself. That said, the prices are far from cheap! Especially, since I went for the more expensive alternative whose food seemed way better than the more popular caterer.

The good news is their food was really good! There’s enough variety, all dishes were tasty and the portions were generous enough for me to sometimes share with the hubby.

I would look forward to their daily menu. They sent me steaks and salads, shrimps and satays. One day’s theme could be Asian, the next day Mediterranean.

sbd menu

Since all meals were neatly packed into reusable containers, I had no problem bringing them to the office or sneaking them into restaurants. Hehe.

soutbeach day 1 set

And I did lose weight! Four pounds on the fifth day, seven after a week. By the time I finished their last delivery, I was ten pounds lighter. I regained the two in a month so it was just eight pounds total. Not bad.

I also successfully staved off my sugar cravings…until last month.

So, today I head back to the beach. And you are all free to join me. Let’s all hope that my first time wasn’t a fluke! 🙂

Breakfast of fish and eggs (hmmm…the serving’s smaller now! What happened?!)
sb breakfast day 1

Shrimp and Tofu snack
sbd snack day 1

September 13, 2010. Uncategorized.

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